Relationships and Sex Education
At St Raphael’s RSE is considered an essential element of the education of the whole child. Parents are primarily responsible for helping their children gain knowledge of, and develop respect for, love and loving relationships. The school's relationship and sex education programme is designed to help parents in this area. The teaching covers the emotional, physical and sociological aspects of relationships. This model curriculum covers EYFS, KS1 and KS2 and is based on three core themes within which there will be broad overlap. It is adaptable to the age and ability of the pupils. The three themes are:
- Created and Loved by God: explores the individual. Rooted in the teaching that we are made in the image and likeness of God, it helps children to develop an understanding of the importance of valuing themselves as the basis for personal relationships.
- Created to love others explores the individual’s relationships with others. Building on the understanding that we have been created out of love and for love, this unit explores how we take this calling into our family, friendships and relationships, and teaches strategies for developing healthy relationships.
- Created to live in community explores the individual’s relationship with the wider world. Here we explore how human beings are relational by nature and are called to love others in the wider community through service, through dialogue and through working for the Common Good.