
Saint Raphael's Catholic Primary School

As we walk with Jesus, we love, live and learn

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Welcome to EYFS 2023-2024!


Any queries please email

The Open Day 

We will be holding 2 open days.

Please book via Eventbrite:


Tuesday 21st November 2023 - 10am to 11am 


Thursday 30th November 2023 - 10am to 11amT

EYFS Curriculum

For Your Information

EYFS Reforms

Appropriate Screen Time Advice for Parents

Catholic Life of EYFS

Reading in the EYFS

Children develop a disposition to read as stories and books are read to them. They also discuss how texts are structured, how to use book language and learn about the rhythm and expression needed for reading aloud. They see the reader as a role model of reading behaviour. When young children play at reading they imitate what they have seen – turning the pages, looking at the pictures, ‘reading’ the words in that special ‘tone’. As teachers we build on and extend this language play so that children develop a love of books and early reading skills. While the central purpose of reading is to gain meaning from print, children also need to be encouraged to develop a curiosity about words, their sounds, patterns and how they are composed. We need to establish a language-rich environment and model and share reading with the children, demonstrating that it is an active part in the process of constructing meaning.


Early Reading Policy EYFS

Brilliant Books to read whilst your child is in EYFS

The Reading Bears


During the first term all children are introduced to the ‘Reading Bears’. Each bear represents a question type (who, what, where, when, why, what if, how). Each week all questions during the Storytime will focus on a Reading Bear. Once practitioners feel that the children are secure with using the Reading Bears they will be used together. The Reading Bears are visible throughout the environment and are also used by parents at home and are referred to in the children’s reading records. An exemplar of the expected responses from parents are stuck into the reading records weekly, an refer to the question bears.

What books will my child bring home?




At St. Raphael's, we teach children to read using Read Write Inc. Phonics. This teaches children to read accurately and fluently with good comprehension. 


We have put some phonics resources below that are very helpful for reading and writing with your children at home. Please take a look!


We have also put some very handy videos to help you teach phonics at home in our 'Video Resource Centre'. Go to the 'Children' tab, then select 'Video Resource Centre' and see the videos under 'Phonics - Reception'.

Parent video: How to say the sounds

It is really important that children learn how to say their sounds correctly. If you need a bit of help, please watch the video below.

Early Mathematics 



How to Support Early Maths Development at Home

Subitising at St Raphael's

Subitising videos - subitising explained!

Please watch our videos explaining what subitising is, and to see it in action. Click the above link and scroll down to the 'EYFS' section. 

Our School Rules 


We use these rules in school to promote positive behaviours. Please feel free to print this poster out to use at home with your child.

Our Wonderful Outdoor Environment in Action


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